Leading the Way

Advancing Indonesia's Prosperity in a Dynamic Global Economy


IBC fosters a powerful alliance, promoting collaboration between leading private sectors and the public sector, with a shared purpose of advancing Indonesia’s competitiveness in order to strengthen national economy and increase prosperity of Indonesian people.


CONNECT private sector leaders with a shared value, vision and unwavering commitment to optimize private sector contribution to Indonesian economy.

Diligently GATHER, ANALYZE and DISSEMINATE comprehensive research on corporate governance and the making of good public policy that are transparent, sound, and conducive.

ACTIVELY ENGAGE in dialogues with stakeholders, including government representatives, to shape public policies environment that strengthen Indonesia competitiveness in long term.


As an influential organization, IBC undertakes a range of initiatives and projects to fulfill its mission of enhancing Indonesia's competitiveness and improving the well-being of its people.

IBC conducts comprehensive surveys and in-depth research to gather valuable insights and data on various policy-related issues. Through rigorous analysis and evidence-based research, we strive to provide accurate and timely information that informs policy formulation and decision-making processes.

IBC publishes a wide range of studies and reports that delve into critical policy areas. These publications serve as valuable resources for policymakers, industry leaders, and stakeholders, providing them with in-depth analysis, recommendations, and best practices to drive positive change and informed decision-making.

IBC plays a pivotal role in convening policy dialogues, bringing together key stakeholders, government officials, industry leaders, and subject matter experts. These dialogues serve as platforms for meaningful discussions, exchange of ideas, and collaboration, fostering an environment of constructive engagement and collective problem-solving.

IBC actively engages in advocacy efforts and provides guidance and support in policy formulation processes. Through our expertise, networks, and partnerships, we advocate for policies that promote sustainable economic growth, social development, environmental conservation, and effective governance.

IBC offers management and implementation guidance to ensure the effective execution of policies and initiatives. By leveraging our expertise and experience, we provide valuable insights, technical assistance, and strategic advice to support the successful implementation of policies and programs.

IBC recognizes the importance of stakeholder engagement and works diligently to build and nurture strong relationships with diverse stakeholders. We actively engage with government agencies, private sector organizations, civil society groups, and international partners to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and effective cooperation.


As a leading organization dedicated to enhancing Indonesia's competitiveness and fostering sustainable development, the Indonesian Business Council (IBC) focuses on several key areas. Through strategic initiatives and collaborations, IBC aims to drive positive change, address critical challenges, and unlock opportunities for economic growth and social progress.

Policy Perspectives Framework

Institutional Strengthening

Productivity and Efficiency

Climate and Biodiversity



Digital and Technology

International Trade

Sustainable Finance



Green Infrastructure