Launching of Masa Depan Energi (MDE) Initiative

About This Event

IBC is partnering with World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), and KATADATAcoid to launch Masa Depan Energi (MDE) initiative. MDE initiative analyze different Net-Zero transition scenarios for Indonesia to mitigate climate change challenge and achieve Net-Zero Emission target by 2060.


Coordinator of MDE Initiative Ping Yowargana
Research Director of Katadata Insight Center Gundy Cahyadi


12.00-12.15: Guest Registration
12.16-12-30: Opening Remarks & Introduction by Katadata Insight Center
12.31-13.30: Presentation of MDE Initiative
13.31-14.00: Lunch and Discussion
14.00: Closing

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